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ATLAS 13 TeV analyses

The most up to date list of all implemented searches can be found here

Validated List of Analyses

The analyses list below have been validated and are 'certified' for use. Please click on 'validation' to find the accompanying pdf.

atlas_1602_09058 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 same-sign leptons or 3 leptons + jets + Etmiss (Gluino)
Luminosity: 3.2 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jan Schuette Engel

atlas_1604_01306 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Monophoton
Luminosity: 3.2 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1604_07773 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Monojet
Luminosity: 3.2 fb^(-1)
Authors: Tim Keller

atlas_1605_03814 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2-6 jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 3.2 fb^(-1)
Authors: Tim Keller + Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1605_04285 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1 lepton + jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 3.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jan Schuette Engel

atlas_1605_09318 validation 1 validation 2 MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 3 b-jets + 0-1 lepton + Etmiss
Luminosity: 3.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Torsten Weber

atlas_1606_03903 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1 lepton + (b) jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 3.2 fb^(-1)
Author: Krzysztof Rolbiecki
Citations: Analysis uses the topness variable, please cite Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) no.12, 121802
Thanks to Michael Graesser and Jessie Shelton for the topness code.
Citations: Analysis uses the MT2bl variable, please cite JHEP 1207 (2012) 110

atlas_conf_2015_082 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 leptons (Z) + jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 3.2 fb^(-1)
Author: Tim Keller

atlas_conf_2016_013 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 4 top quark (1 lepton + jets, vector like quark search)
Luminosity: 3.2 fb^(-1)
Authors: Anke Biekoetter

atlas_conf_2016_050 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1 lepton + (b) jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 13.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Peiwen Wu, Jinmin Yang and Yang Zhang
Citations: Analysis uses the topness variable, please cite Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) no.12, 121802
Thanks to Michael Graesser and Jessie Shelton for the topness code.
Citations: Analysis uses the MT2bl variable, please cite JHEP 1207 (2012) 110
Notes: Dark matter signal regions, 'DM_low' and 'DM_high' are not yet included

atlas_conf_2016_076 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 lepton + jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 13.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Krzysztof Rolbiecki, Liangliang Shang, Jamie Tattersall, Peiwen Wu, JinMin Yang, Yuanfang Yue and Yang Zhang
Citations: Analysis uses the super razor variable, please cite Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) no.5, 055020
Thanks to Matthew Buckley, Alaettin Serhan Mete, Tommaso Lari, Federico Meloni, Iacopo Vivarelli and Daniel Antrim for the super razor code

atlas_1704_03848 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Monophoton
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: stop search in 0 lepton, jets + MET
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki


atlas_conf_2017_060 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Monojet
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim
Comments: Implementaton almost identical to atlas_1604_07773 with additional signal regions


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for photons, jets and met
Luminosity: 13.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim
Comments: No validation material published by ATLAS. However, implementation is almost identical to validated search atlas_1507_05493

atlas_1708_07875 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: electroweakino search with taus and MET
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for GMSB with photons
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki
Comments: No validation material published by ATLAS. However, implementation is almost identical to validated search atlas_1507_05493

atlas_1712_02332 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: squarks and gluinos, 0 lepton, 2-6 jets
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2003_11956 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for displaced vertices and muons
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2003_11956 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Disappearing Track Signature
Luminosity: 36 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim

atlas_1803_02762 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in final states with two or three leptons
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Ipsita Saha, Manimala Chakraborti

atlas_1908.08215 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for electroweak production of charginos and sleptons decaying into final states with two leptons and missing transverse momentum
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Ipsita Saha, Manimala Chakraborti

atlas_conf_2019_040 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1911_12606 validation MC cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for sleptons and electroweakinos with compressed spectra
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1706_03731 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: same-sign or 3 leptons RPC and RPV SUSY
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1908_08215 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for electroweak production of charginos and sleptons decaying into final states with 2 leptons and MET
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1909_08457 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for squarks and gluinos with same-sign leptons
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2101_01629 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: gluinos/squarks, 1 lepton, jets, MET
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: monojet
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki
Comments: Implementation is almost identical to validated search atlas_1604_07773

atlas_2004_14060 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: gluinos/squarks, 1 lepton, ttbar final state + jets + MET
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Inaki Lara, Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1908_03122 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for bottom-squarks in final states containing Higgs bosons, b-jets and MET
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Marvin M. Flores, Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1911_12606 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for sleptons and electroweakinos with soft leptons
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2106_09609 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for RPV susy in a final state containing leptons and many jets
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim, Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1911_06660 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for direct stau production
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim, Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2010_14293 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for squarks and gluinos in MET and jets final states
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2211_08028 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for stops and gluinos; at least 3 b-jets 0-1 leptons
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2106_01676 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: electroweakinos, 3 leptons, WZ, WH, on+off-shell
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2006_05880 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for top squarks in events whith a Higgs or a Z boson
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Inaki Lara

atlas_2111_08372 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: associated production of a Z boson with an invisibly decaying Higgs boson or dark matter candidates
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_2202_07953 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: invisible Higgs decays in VBF from ATLAS-EXOT
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

Long Lived Particles

atlas_1710_04901 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for long-lived, massive particles in events with displaced vertices and missing transverse momentum
Luminosity: 32.8 fb^(-1)
Authors: Florian Domingo and Zeren Simon Wang

atlas_2003_11956 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for long-lived particles decaying into hadrons and at least one displaced muon, long lived top-squarks, R-parity violation
Luminosity: 136 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

atlas_1902_01636 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for heavy charged long-lived particles
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Roberto Ruiz

atlas_1712_02118_strong and atlas_1712_02118_ew validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for long-lived charginos based on a disappearing-track signature
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim

Unvalidated List of Analyses

The analyses listed below are 'finished' but not yet fully validated.


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: diphotons and met
Luminosity: 3.2 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1 lepton + (b) jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 13.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Krzysztof Rolbiecki, Liangliang Shang, Jamie Tattersall, Peiwen Wu, JinMin Yang, Yuanfang Yue and Yang Zhang
Citations: Analysis uses the super razor variable, please cite Phys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) no.12, 121802
Thanks to Michael Graesser and Jessie Shelton for the topness code.


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Jets + Etmiss (squarks and gluinos)
Luminosity: 13.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: ATLAS, 2-3 leptons + etmiss
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Daniel Schmeier


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: search for stops with Higgs or Z
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: squarks and gluinos, 0 lepton, 2-6 jets
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks
Luminosity: 36.1 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim