checkmate is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

CMS 13 TeV analyses

The most up to date list of all implemented searches can be found here

Validated List of Analyses

The analyses list below have been validated and are 'certified' for use. Please click on 'validation' to find the accompanying pdf.

cms_sus_16_039 validation

Collaboration: CMS
Signal: electrowekinos in multilepton final state
Luminosity: 35.9 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Jinmin Yang, Yuanfang Yue, Yang Zhang, Pengxuan Zhu

cms_sus_16_025 validation

Collaboration: CMS
Signal: electroweakino and stop compressed spectra
Luminosity:12.9 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Yuanfang Yue and Yang Zhang

cms_sus_16_048 validation

Collaboration: CMS
Signal: two soft opposite sign leptons
Luminosity: 35.9 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Jin Min Yang, Yuanfang Yue and Yang Zhang

cms_sus_19_005 (cms_1909_03460) validation

Collaboration: CMS
Signal: search for new physics with hadronic final states with MT2 variable
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

cms_1908_04722 validation

Collaboration: CMS
Signal: hadronic final states with HT, multibin simple fitting with post-fit background numbers
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

cms_2107_13201 validation

Collaboration: CMS
Signal: monojet with multibin
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

cms_2205_09597 validation

Collaboration: CMS
Signal: search for electroweakinos, hadronic final states with fat jets identified as W, V or H
Luminosity: 139 fb^(-1)
Authors: Krzysztof Rolbiecki

Long Lived Particles

cms_pas_exo_16_022 validation

Collaboration: CMS
Signal: Search for displaced leptons in the e-mu channel
Luminosity: 2.6 fb^(-1)
Authors: Mangesh Sonawane

Unvalidated List of Analyses

The analyses listed below are 'finished' but not yet fully validated.


Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 leptons + jets + Etmiss (Gluino and Squark)
Luminosity: 2.2 fb^(-1)
Authors: Anke Biekoetter


Collaboration: CMS
Signal: one photon and missing transverse momentum
Luminosity: 35.9 fb^(-1)
Authors: Jong Soo Kim