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ATLAS 14 TeV (high luminosity) analyses

Validated List of Analyses

The analyses list below have been validated and are 'certified' for use. Please click on 'validation' to find the accompanying pdf.

atlas_phys_pub_2013_011 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1 lep + jets (Stop)
Luminosity: 3000 fb^(-1)

atlas_phys_2014_010_HL_3l validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 3 lep + Etmiss (Chargino and neutralino)
Luminosity: 3000 fb^(-1)

atlas_phys_pub_2014_010_300 validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2-6 jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 300 fb^(-1)

atlas_phys_pub_2014_010_sq_hl validation

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2-6 jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 3000 fb^(-1)

atl_phys_pub_2014_010_sbottom validation 1 validation 2 MC Cards

Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 b-jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 300 fb^(-1)
Author: Torsten Weber

dilepton_hl validation

Collaboration: CheckMATE (ATLAS detector)
Signal: 2 leptons + Etmiss (slepton and chargino)
Luminosity: 3000 fb^(-1)
Author: Krzysztof Rolbiecki


Unvalidated List of Analyses

The analyses listed below are 'finished' but not yet fully validated.