ATLAS 8 TeV analyses
Validated List of Analyses
The analyses list below have been validated and are 'certified' for use. Please click on 'validation' to find the accompanying pdf.
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: >= 6 jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Jin Min Yang and Yang Zhang
If you use this analysis in your study please cite: arXiv:1504.07869
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 0 leptons + 2 b-jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.1 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 3 leptons + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Stop search with 2 leptons
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: stop production with Z boson and b-jets
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Same sign dilepton or 3l
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2-6 jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Jin Min Yang and Yang Zhang
If you use this analysis in your study please cite: arXiv:1504.07869
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1-lepton + (b-)jets + etmiss (stop)
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Monojet + MET
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Monophoton + MET
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Cristina Marcos
atlas_1501_07110 (only available in CM2) validation
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1 lepton + Higgs + MET
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Peiwen Wu, Jin Min Yang, Yang Zhang
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Mono-jet
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Thanks to Swasti Belwal for the effective dark matter validation
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 leptons + jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Jin Min Yang and Yang Zhang
If you use this analysis in your study please cite: arXiv:1504.07869
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: di-lepton and 2b-jets+lepton at 8 TeV
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1 lepton + >= 4 jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 5.8 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 0 leptons + 6 (2 b-)jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.5 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 3 leptons + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.7 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 leptons + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 0-1 leptons + >= 3 b-jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.1 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 leptons + Etmiss (razor)
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Invisible Higgs decay in VBF
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: photonic signatures of gauge-mediated SUSY
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: J. S. Kim, V. Martin Lozano
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: at least two taus and missing
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Junjie Cao, Liangliang Shang, Jin Min Yang, Yuanfang Yue and Yang Zhang
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 leptons + Etmiss (Electroweak + Slepton)
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Arran Freegard
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Higgs invisible, MET + 2 leptons (Z)
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Authors: Arran Freegard
Unvalidated List of Analyses
The analyses listed below are 'finished' but not yet fully validated.
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 0-1 lepton + 3 b-jets + etmiss
Luminosity: 20.1 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: WZ standard model measurement (3 leptons + Etmiss)
Luminosity: 13.0 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Higgs spin measurement (WW)
Luminosity: 20.7 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 4 leptons + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.7 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1-lepton + b-(jets) + etmiss (stop)
Luminosity: 20.7 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1-lepton + jets + (b's) + etmiss (soft lepton)
Luminosity: 20.7 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 leptons + b-jets (stop)
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: WW standard model measurement
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: stealth stop (m_stop ~ m_top), measurement of spin correlations in the top-like signal
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Note: the final number of events in the signal region agrees with ATLAS
Superseded Analyses
The following have been superseded by newer analyses
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: Monojet + Etmiss
Luminosity: 10 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 3 leptons + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.7 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 1-lepton + b-(jets) + etmiss (stop)
Luminosity: 20.7 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 0 leptons + 2-6 jets + Etmiss
Luminosity: 20.3 fb^(-1)
Collaboration: ATLAS
Signal: 2 leptons + etmiss (direct stop)
Luminosity: 20.0 fb^(-1)