Tutorial - Part 1: Our First Model Point TestWhat CheckMATE doesWhile CheckMATE is analysing the events, let us have a closer look into what it actually does. In general, CheckMATE processes each event file by the following two steps DelphesFirst of all, the simulated proton events are passed through the fast detector simulation "Delphes": Most importantly it simulates the limited coverage and discrete calorimeter of the detector (in our case ATLAS), clusters cells into jets and applies finite probabilities that a given final state object is identified correctly. As an example, there is only an (on average) 80% chance to reconstruct a "true electron" inside the detector as an electron. This effect has to be taken into account if the electron would be crucial to test the model. Furthermore there are finite probabilities that jets that originated from hadronic tau- or b-decays can be identified as having originated from these. These so-called flavour tagging efficiencies can also be considered in the simulation. Another very important quantitiy determined on the detector simulation level is the total missing transverse momentum. At the beginning of a run, CheckMATE determines the settings needed for the analysis/analyses the user chose. It then automatically writes a detector card for Delphes which tells the simulation about the detector settings it should take into account. Delphes will produce a ROOT event file which stores the information of all reconstructed final state objects in a well defined format. Users usually do not need to have a look at these files but if wanted, one could investigate them. In our case, they are stored in /CheckMATE/results/cMSSM/delphes. AnalysisAs soon as Delphes has determined what the detector would see, one then has to quantify what the new physics model would predict. An analysis program loops over the files event by event and checks various conditions that have to be fulfilled to count the event as a signal candidate. A single analysis usually focusses on a class of final states with certain objects. In our case, for example, we chose atlas_conf_2013_047 which - as you might have seen in the lines CheckMATE printed after we submitted the parameter file - focusses on events with 2-6 jets, no leptons and missing energy.
Every analysis is furthermore subdivided into signal regions, each of which place individual kinematical cuts on the event. . In many cases (but with lots of exceptions) the signal regions within a given analysis are orthogonal to each other, i.e. no event is counted more than once. In our analysis atlas_conf_2013_047, the signal regions all require at least two jets with 130 GeV and 60 GeV transverse momentum, and then they differentiate according to the number of additional jets with pT being at least 60 GeV (A for 0 extra jets up to E for 4 extra jets). Some are even further subdivided according to the scalar sum of the momenta of all jets. CheckMATE's main goal is then to determine the predicted number of signal events for each signal region. These numbers are properly normalised by taking into account the cross section of the input (which we provided) and the luminosity of the experimental data sample (which the experiment provides). This is done for each input event file separately.
EvaluationAfter the above two steps have been performed for all input events, the total prediction and error S +- dS for each signal region is determined by properly adding the individual numbers. The total error is determined from the statistical error (determined automatically from the size of the Monte-Carlo sample) and the systematal errors (given by the user via the XSectErr parameter). Furthermore, CheckMATE knows the experimental observation O and the Standard Model expectation B +- dB for each signal region, taken from the experimental publication of the respective analysis. These numbers can be translated into a model independent upper 95% observed confidence limit S95obs and an expected limit S95exp (which in simple words assumes O = B)
In the standard way of running CheckMATE (like we did), the model prediction is directly compared to the upper limit by taking the uncertainty in S conservatively into account:
r_obs := (S - 1.96 dS)/S95obs
By the time you have reached this part, CheckMATE has hopefully finished (if not, please wait until it did). |