Signal/Cutflow/Control Region Management Functions to declare and count signal, cutflow and control regions. More...
Detailed DescriptionFunctions to declare and count signal, cutflow and control regions. CheckMATE includes convenient means to count events with certain properties. One usually distinguishes between signal regions, which collect events with properties that characterise potential new physics, cutflow regions, which keep track of the individual conditions that lead to signal regions to check the correctness of the individual steps, and control regions, which in rare cases are used to check regions orthogonal to the signal regions for undesired contamination with signal events. Note that control regions should better be checked in the separate analysis file that is created if you answered the "Will you implement Control Regions?" question within the AnalysisManger with 'yes'. Combining control regions and signal regions within one program is possible, but usually leads to hard to read code that can easily introduce bugs. CheckMATE first needs to know which regions exist using the bookSignalRegions(), bookCutflowRegions() and bookControlRegions() functions. Then, a call of countCutflowEvent(), countSignalEvent() or countControlEvent() at the appropriate step within the analyze() function lets the program internally keep track of the event weight that should be counted and - at the end of the run - lists all important information in cutflow.dat, signal.dat and/or control.dat output files within the CheckMATE results folder. Note Trying to run countXY on a region that has not been booked will cause the program to automatically book it as soon as a single event triggers the countXY function. However If no event passes the unbooked region, it will not appear in any output file, whereas a properly booked region will always be present in the output file. Function Documentation
Function to book signal regions. This function should be run within the initialize() part of a CheckMATE analysis and ensures that each of the listed regions is present in the signal.dat output files. In case of signal regions, this function is automatically put with the right arguments given the information the user has entered into the AnalysisManager. To improve readability, the user is free to split a single bookRegion call into many function calls with shorter arguments. Regions are always listed alphabetically within the output file. Hence, if a certain ordering is prefered, one should name the regions accordingly.
Definition at line 56 of file
Function to book control regions.
Definition at line 73 of file
Function to book cutflow regions.
Definition at line 89 of file
Function to count a given event for a signal region. Whenever an event within the analyze() function fulfills all properties to consider it for a defined signal region, a call of this function will let the code add the weight of the event internally and consider it for the final output.
Definition at line 464 of file AnalysisBase.h.
Function to count a given event for a control region.
Definition at line 469 of file AnalysisBase.h.
Function to count a given event for a cutflow region.
Definition at line 474 of file AnalysisBase.h. Generated on Tue Dec 9 2014 17:18:36 for AnalysisBase Documentation by ![]() |