checkmate is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Getting Started

Setting up ROOT

Adding ROOT packages

You must download the source again and re-install ROOT while enabling the compilation of the extra packages. First, determine the version of your installation: root-config Then, download the source code of exactly this version xyz from and unpack the tarball as follows: gzip -dc root_xyz.source.tar.gz | tar -xf -
cd root
We now compile and install ROOT into the same installation directory ./configure --enable-python --enable-roofit --enable-minuit2 --with-python-incdir=[pythonpath]/include --with-python-libdir=[pythonpath]/lib
ROOT is large, so go and have a (big) cup coffee in the meanwhile. After a successful completion, please hit: sudo make install You can check if everything worked if root-config --has-python --has-roofit --has-minuit2 returns yes yes yes.
Everything Worked. Let's continue installing CheckMATE.
Something went wrong.