checkmate is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham

Getting Started

Setting up CheckMATE

Contrary to many other tools, CheckMATE does not have a separate `make install' routine and will set itself up in the directory you put it. You should therefore begin the following procedure from within the folder you want CheckMATE to be located.

Start by downloading the tarball of the newest version from here. Extract the tarball and enter the CheckMATE folder: tar -xvf CheckMATE-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
cd CheckMATE-X.Y.Z
In order to run CheckMATE we have to compile the code, connect the Python scripts to the ROOT libraries and create the binary. The configuration step will make sure that you followed the aforementioned sections to properly setup ROOT and have a valid Python interpreter. The easiest way to proceed is to run ./configure --with-python=[pythonpath]/bin/python and follow the instructions in case of an error. After succesful configuration, type make Depending upon your system the make command can generate various warning messages. These can be safely ignored unless the final output is an error message (e.g. make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1) in which case the installation will have failed. If you are unable to understand the cause of the problem, please check the installation FAQ on the CheckMATE website or contact the authors. The compilation will create a Checkmate binary in bin/:

To test the installation, run the test parameter file in the bin directory. cd bin
./CheckMATE testparam.dat
The program will ask if the automatically chosen output directory is correct. After answering y the program should run and finish with the statement that the input is allowed. If it doesn't, check whether your configuration and compilation produced any errors or warnings. Otherwise, you finished setting up CheckMATE. Have fun!